Everyone who has personal contact with EML knows that I believe that everyone has one or two books that will change your life. I have had two in my life that was there when I needed something that will give me the anchor I needed at a time of my life when I didn't know where to turn. Both times I was not looking for an anchor or even knew I needed one. I just read a book that was either required or just looked interesting. But once I read it, it applied to my life and gave me insight to the problems I was having. In one case, I didn't even know I had the problem and when it was discovered, I thought about what I had read the year before and how it now helped me understand the problem. What I got from those books was life changing because I learned life lessons without having to go through the pain.
Some books just make you feel good. They make you feel safe when the world doesn't. You will relate to a character, sometimes not even a human character, and learn that you will make it through because that character did. Books can take your mind away from the real world and let you control how you use them. If you want to keep rereading a few pages, you don't have to keep reloading or waiting for a page to load.
You may be 5 or 95 when you find your first. You may only have one book or you may have a dozen. The only way you can find them is to read. The more books you read the better your chances to find that special book that will change your life.