Sunday, October 21, 2012

Witches! The Absolutely True Tale of Disaster in Salem by Rosalyn Schanzer

I know many of you have meat the MEAN Girls at your school, but wait until you met the ones in Salem. Was it the environment that made them that way? Or did some adults with an ax to grind use the girls to get even with those who had done them wrong? Even not being in Salem was not a way to be safe once this soap opera started. 20 people died, but many more died quicker than they would if the girls would have not started this. Were there any real witches there at all? If you enjoy a little horror for your Halloween or any time, just read this short little book. I just hope the History Channel doesn't make this true story into a show. Other shows you might have seen are tame compared to the ones you will imagine once you read this.

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