Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Indigo Star by Hilary McKay

The second book of a 4 book series about the Cassons, a British family whose parents are artists, it stands alone. Indigo is the only boy in a house full of females. His dad lives in London. While home is a happy chaotic place, school is something to be dreaded. It is so bad at school that Indigo is happy to get mononucleosis to miss an entire semester, but he must go back. When he gets back, the bullies have a new target, Tom, the American kid who does everything to make himself a target. Why is Tom so angry at everyone? How can the two of them get back at the bullies and teach a lesson at the same time? Behind this main plot are many subplots involving too many suiters for the oldest sister, why their father is not living with them, and will their mother ever remember to make dinner. One of the most popular series at EML's library. You will laugh out load about who really gets the best of the bullies.

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