Sunday, July 11, 2010

It has been a year since I started this blog.

Greetings to all who do look at this blog. I started this a year ago so junior high (and high school also) students would be able to find great books to read. Every book on this blog is a book that I have recommended to students and had gotten good feedback. It is not a complete list of all the great books I have read, but all of these are found in my small junior high library so they should be able to found in others. I have been adding 4 books a month to build the blog, but since there are now well over 45 books, I will be only listing 1 or 2 books each month. I have gone to other blogs and felt a little overwhelmed trying to find things. I want this to be user friendly. If you like mysteries, you can just find a mystery book on the blog and click on the mystery label and every mystery book on the blog will pop up. This will work with any genre, including nonfiction ones. You can also just click on any of the labels in the list and all the books under that label will pop up. Speaking of nonfiction, I have been a nonfiction reader for most of my life and have found those students who tell me they hate to read are usually a nonfiction readers. I hope you will find this blog useful when you want a book to read. Let me know if you have anything you want to add, because comments are welcome.

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